Corona Tutor

Corona Tutor began precisely with the goal of providing a solution for students’ success. We wanted to revolutionize supplemental education by making expert guidance and personalized services a standard in our tutoring. Where other companies may only be “homework-helpers”, our specialty is provide truly comprehensive tutoring for each student. It’s not enough to help students understand homework that night—we want to develop better students, and we believe the only way to do so is to match our services to the student.
We empathize with students and parents alike, so we know precisely what services are ideal, and we have the experience necessary to provide academic solutions. Quite simply: We just want to help you increase your success.
Students deserve and require a higher quality of academic tutoring. We don’t simply help you with your homework–We make you a better student! Try us out and see how Corona Tutor private tutoring will take your learning to the next level.

Our Philosophy
More than a tutoring company. We see modern education as having 3 key components: General Academics, Standardized Testing, and Institutional (College, Graduate School, etc) Admissions. So we have services and provide mentorship in each of these areas through academic tutoring, test preparation, and admissions consulting.
While regular classes should constitute the bulk of students’ efforts, standardized testing and institutional admissions are extremely important as well. TutorNerds is one of the few companies that successfully integrates academic tutoring, test prep, and admissions consulting into our services. No small component of this is that our entire staff and faculty are highly knowledgeable and experienced. We don’t simply match you with a homework-helper, we partner you with an education professional.
We guarantee that our services will be enjoyable from the first session. We take individualized care to match students with the right tutor from the start.
What people are saying:
"Have been using Corona Tutor for almost 4 years now. My kids have always had tutors to supplement and advance them in their schools. My son is now graduating with high honors and I base this widely off of having his tutor from Corona Tutor..."
Anja G.
Events & Workshops

Summer Bridge Academy June 23 - July 24
We will be holding a "classroom" setting academy over the summer. Subjects focused on will be Math, Langauge, Reading, and Writing skills. Classes will meet once to twice a week. Please see schedule listed under "Courses" for more information as well as registration opening and closing dates.